Introducing the FarSync Flex USB Sync/Async with Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) line quality tester
There's an updated version of this video here: Video: FarSync BERT Line Tester USB/PCIe operation, installation and features
This support blog is for new product announcements and online technical support for our customers.
There's an updated version of this video here: Video: FarSync BERT Line Tester USB/PCIe operation, installation and features
Posted by Synchrotech at 15:34 0 comments
Labels: Adapter, BERT, FarSite, FarSync, RS-232, USB Test Equipment
See What happened to Elan Digital Systems Ltd's website? for an explanation of why the links in the post are no longer operative.
We now have this software available on an ISO Image here: Elan Downloads and Support Archive.
Our USBscope50 is supported now in Win7 through the latest JAVA software.
Please instruct your customers who require this to download the NEW software from the link below:
Also note that this facility is currently only available for the USBscope50, and as yet not all of the USB test and measurement range is supported.
Visual Basic will no longer be shipped with the USBscope50, all will have the JAVA software.
This can still be downloaded from the same link above, shown as 'original software' if required.
Posted by Synchrotech at 13:54 8 comments
Labels: ELAN, USB, USB Test Equipment